The Hub of my Linguistics Stuff

What even is Linguistics?

Linguistics, put simply, is the study of language. Speaking, writing, telling stories-- all these modes of communication is what previously truly set humans apart from the rest. This is why AI tools like ChatGPT that can mimic human production of speech and "thought" is so alarming.

How do we speak? Like, what does the air actually do when we open our mouths to yap?

Placeholder: Dynamical Systems and why physics class was actually important

Introduction to Articulatory Phonetics

Human Speech and our attempts to replicate it: Speech Synthesis and Recognition Technology

Placeholder: Appreciate your ears: Why their job is hard (Coarticulation &

Placeholder: Rule-Based Text-to-Speech-- making speech out of just a few tones

Placeholder: Concatenative Synthesis, Siri and Hatsune Miku-- how is it done?

Placeholder: Generative Synthesis -- Data, data, and more data

RESEARCH: Gender and Eminence Bias when it comes to Last Name Reference

Placeholder: The Original Studies

Placeholder: Does culture/ethnicity play a role?

Placeholder: What about ChatGPT? DALL-E?